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Our active engagement within our industry and our community shines with the organizations that we are affiliated with.

Be Original Americas

We have always followed our muse. We often find ourselves ahead of trends and techniques as others look to us for inspiration. Be Original Americas is a non-profit creative advocacy organization that is committed to educating and informing the value of authentic design, both economically and ethically. You can learn more on their website. We are proud to be a member.

National LGBT Chamber of Commerce

The NGLCC is the business voice of the LGBT community, and the exclusive certifying body for LGBT-owned business' in the United States. We have been in business for well over 28 years and the social and legal landscape has changed massively in that time. But, we don't take these improvements for granted. We are proud to be part of this organization which works to expand economic opportunities and advancements for LGBT people. Learn more on their website.

International Design Continuing Education Council

We are pleased to share our unique view and decades of experience with our online continuing education classes. Increasing knowledge and skills of designers helps to encourage innovation and growth in the design industry. We have partnered with IDCEC to ensure our classes are high quality and valuable for designers. Visit their website.


We live and work in Chicago. We believe in acting locally. As founding members of the Lawndale Business Renaissance Association, we strive to bring attention, investment and infrastructure to our neighborhood of North Lawndale, Chicago. Our team serves on Local School Councils, numerous boards, and has played active roles in many other local organizations: like the Test Positive Aware Network- bringing HIV/AIDS awareness, testing, counseling, and medical services to populations where it is needed most. And, the Chicago Park District and the Chicago Area Runners Association, promoting well-being and community in neighborhood parks in under-resourced areas of our city.

We are committed to working with and supporting the communities of which we are a part

And we hope to work with you!